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Linux - October 17, 2011

Slow Query Logs for MySQL

In order to enable slow query logs for MySQL on your system you would need to do the following. 1st Step is to edit your my.cnf file which is located in your /etc directory. vi /etc/my.cnf Once you have your my.cnf file open, then add the following 4 lines then save and exit the file. [mysqld] log-slow-queries log-slow-queries=/var/log/mysql/slow-queries.log long_query_time=1 Then create the file slow-queries.log. You can have the file in any spot you wish, as long as […]

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Linux - October 17, 2011

PHP APC Optimization Module

Below are the steps needed in order to successfully install the PHP APC optimizer module on Red Hat based systems such as CentOS. Before installing PHP APC, we need to start by installing the php pear module, php-devel, httpd-devel, and pcre-devel modules. yum install php-pear php-devel httpd-devel pcre-devel After you install the required packages, then we can go ahead and install PHP APC. In the command line type the following: pecl install apc PHP APC will now […]

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HTML and CSS - October 13, 2011

Internet Explorer CSS Hacks

Find examples on how to modify your CSS code in order to get things to display properly in each version of Internet Explorer.

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Linux - July 29, 2011

GNU/Linux AB utility for Apache Benchmark Testing

Using the ab utility you are able to test your current version of apache and how well it performs to multiple requests for even a set amount of time. It’s not hard at all to use this utility. All you need to do is the following: ab –n 100 –c 10 http://domain_to_test_with_ab.com/index.php What we’re doing above is sending 100 requests to the index.php file of that domain in increments of 10. This means that site will receive […]

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Linux - July 29, 2011

Configure GNU/Linux Time Zones

In order to change the default time zone for your machine all you would need to do is follow a few simple steps. First thing you need to know is where your default time zone is actually set. The path to that file is as follows: /etc/localtime To find a list of the available time zones you could look in: /usr/share/zoneinfo So now that we know those basic details, lets continue on to modifying our time zone. […]

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Linux - July 23, 2011

GNU Linux NTP (Network Time Protocol)

Configure NTP (Network Time Protocol) to synchronize your system clock on Red Hat Based  GNU/Linux Systems. NTP allows you to easily synchronize your server time with a specified server. Below are the steps to easily configure this service. Step 1:  Install the NTP utility yum –y install ntp Step 2:  Synchronize your server/computer with the specified server ntpdate pool.ntp.org Step 3: Start the ntpd service service ntpd start Step 4: Enable the service to auto start on boot […]

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Linux - March 17, 2011

e2label linux utility

In this tutorial you will be learning how to label your partitions. Labeling your partitions can be useful for you to easily identify what each partition is or does. It is a very simple and straightforward process. In order to label your partitions you use the e2label utility. For instance, e2label <path_to_partition> <label_name>. By convention, the label name should be the path to where you mount the partition. You can name the label anything you’d like though. […]

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Linux - March 17, 2011

linux mkfs utility format

For this tutorial I will be teaching you how to setup ext3 type filesystems on a new partition. If you have not read my tutorial on creating new partitions, then you may want to do so by clicking here. Ok assuming that you have a partition setup. Lets start by formatting the partition. In the last tutorial I created a fourth partition on the /dev/sda hard drive. So lets convert this partition to an ext3 filesystem. Lets […]

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Linux - March 17, 2011

fdisk utility m helper command

In this tutorial you will learn how to create new hard disk partitions using the fdisk utility. First thing to check is that you have available space available on your hard drive to partition. You also need to make sure that the number of partitions on the existing hard drive is not maxed. The max is 4 unless you are using extended partitions, but we’ll go over that in a different tutorial. In my case, the hard […]

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PHP Programming - November 4, 2010

PHP Connect to MySQL Database

Connecting to a MySQL database is a simple process requiring only 2 functions. 1 function to connect to the server and 1 function to connect to the desired database. The functions used to establish a MySQL connection are mysql_connect() and mysql_select_db(). First lets start by seeing a sample of the connection code and then I’ll go through and explain each function.

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